A new movie named The Secret Life of Walter Mitty seems to be drawing viewers’ attention of all ages and personalities. This movie is a remaking of the original story by James Thurber, which gives the tale a modern spin and a relatable perspective. In this story, we are introduced to a very ordinary individual named Walter Mitty, played by Ben Stiller, who seems to have trouble completing the Noteworthy Mentions section on his eHarmony profile. He works as a negative assets manager for LIFE magazine, and is confined to the space of a small, dark, and cluttered office on a daily basis. Though he lives such an ordinary life, he dreams of extraordinary adventures and secretly aspires to do things that challenge even the complex and tortuous imagination that lies within the walls of his mind. Ultimately, by taking a small leap of faith, he guides himself through a spontaneous journey that changes his outlook on what life really is about.
Though this movie seems to aim at inspiration, comedy is embedded within sharks, volcanoes, and dangerously low oxygen levels. This not only makes it a family friendly movie, but pleasantly surprises the viewers with an unexpected chuckle. On average, film reviews seem to be rating The Secret Life of Walter Mitty with four out of five stars, but from reading critics’ opinions on this inspiring story, it can be clearly seen that even though viewers are not lining up outside theater doors to get a seat, this is a quality movie that is sure to leave anyone with a positive mindset and a newfound determination.
In conclusion, this flick is a must-see for any type of movie lover. Through Walter Mitty’s love of life and adventure, any watcher will be inspired to live in ways that previously had not crossed their thoughts. This is not an ordinary movie; it is a story that is told beautifully by observing the life of an ordinary man pursuing extraordinary ventures. Along his journeys, Walter Mitty has taught us “to see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls, draw closer, to find each other, and to feel. That is the purpose of life.”
The Purpose of Life
Lindsey Webb, Senior Staff Editor
January 27, 2014
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