Ahhh, the nice, cool air of March! Spring has just crawled out of their hibernating hole! And students are… buckling down and losing their drive to not take a “sick day” off! Are you having more trouble getting out of bed to go to school? Are you losing the enthusiasm to finish those stubborn “busy-work” assignments your teacher assigned you? Are you feeling overwhelmed, yet lack the work ethic and energy to get it all done? Well. I have two answers for you, but only one can apply. If you’re a senior, that’s your Seniroitis talking. To everyone else, oh boy, you must be experiencing burnout!
Senioritis + Burnout = I Don’t Wanna Go to School!
For Seniors ONLY
So you may be asking yourself, what the heck is “senioritis” and “will I have to take a vaccine to prevent myself from getting it?” Oh you sweet summer child, reader. There’s probably a 99% you already know what senioritis is, given that you have already experienced 4 years of being a scholarly, trustworthy, respectful, ownership, no excuses, genuine student! According to Oxford Languages, the dictionary definitions that pop up when you search words on Google, “Senioritis” is defined as “a supposed affliction of students in their final year of high school or college, characterized by a decline in motivation or performance.” I didn’t believe there was an actual dictionary definition of “Senioritis” but you learn something new each day! So! If you’re a senior and you don’t want to go to school despite being in perfectly healthy conditions yet the idea that it’s your last year holding you back from actually getting ready at seven in the morning, you may be experiencing “Senioritis.”
For Everyone Else (Seniors included)
Whether you are a Junior, Sophomore, or… bless your heart, a freshman and experiencing a “state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion due to prolonged or excessive stress, often related to work or responsibilities, leading to a loss of motivation and a feeling of being overwhelmed” (thank you AI Overview on Google) then you may be experiencing symptoms of burn out! If you’re a Junior with 2 more years left, a Sophomore with… oh my, 3 years left or… I hope a freshman isn’t reading this because, oh boy, you still got the full 4 years left, then it may feel as though you have forever ahead of you, but, you don’t. It goes by fast. Ultimately, do you have no motivation to work? Are you overstimulated by emotion and physically feeling drained? Do you feel “done” with school? If you are going through these “symptoms” you may be feeling burned out, my friend!
How to Deal With Burnout and Senioritis!
Everyone Included
Well, you can’t just accumulate unlawful absences, right? You have to actually improve so that you can pass and get through another year or graduate with flying colors! Although there isn’t an exact definitive cure to both burnout and senioritis, there are ways to cope and get you through the school year! Plus, for seniors, it’s your last year! You have to embrace and enjoy the moment. Although academics can be very stressful, it’s important to realize that grades won’t kill you, but stressing and not prioritizing self-care can! So, what are some solutions?
Take care of yourself!
In the end, grades and the work associated with school won’t result in your demise, but stressing, losing sleep, and using too much energy on it can. Whatever you may be struggling with this school year will pass, I promise you. Unfortunately, it’s a time-dependent event but you’ll need to just push through (using the other coping mechanisms listed in this article). Remember, teachers are humans, too. You can communicate with them if you are struggling and need a break, it only takes an email and some vulnerability. You are important and whatever anyone says, grades don’t define you as a person.
Surround yourself with loved ones!
You don’t need to struggle with work alone, you can always phone a friend! Sometimes, when work piles up, people have the tendency to isolate themselves and hyperfixate on their work while denying their other needs. Even if you aren’t experiencing burnout or senioritis, it’s important to know what it is and to provide a helping hand for those who may be struggling. Things can get done easier and be experienced better if you just have a friend to help you along the way.
Work, work, work may be the only thing on your schedule, but hey, if you have a schedule, that’s a step in the right direction. If not, then maybe consider getting one. It’s important to be able to map out specific and important tasks you know you can get done on specific days. It’s important to prioritize the due dates and effort being put into assignments to best benefit your grade!
Rewards and downtime!
Everyone needs a break, and I mean, everyone. If you got an A, if you finally submitted an assignment that took a long time, or if you did something that you’re proud of, I highly suggest you reward yourself for it. Even if you can’t physically reward yourself, you should feel mentally rewarded by your accomplishments. It’s also important to note that you have to be able to make time. Sometimes, a nap can solve all your problems momentarily… and with an alarm so you don’t wake up drenched during the night from an after-school nap. Spend time enjoying yourself, enjoying a hobby, working, going on a run, walking the dog, scrolling through Instagram (without doom scrolling), or whatever gives you relief from work, you should be able to give yourself a break!
Take a step in identifying what you are experiencing!
“Denial” is a river in Egypt. A PRETTY STUPID RIVER! Denial won’t get you anywhere, but identifying the problem will help you get through your school year better! It’s important to note the emotions you’re feeling instead of bottling them up. You can’t fix a problem if you don’t discern that you have a problem in the first place. Everyone is allowed to be and feel vulnerable. Doctors can’t help someone unless they diagnose them properly to provide the right treatments. In the same sense, you can’t fix being burned out and experiencing senioritis unless you actually know that you are then from there you can take steps to fix it
Closing Remarks
I think it’s important to say that these emotions and feelings that are felt through burnout and Senioritis are valid. You are allowed to feel emotionally and physically exhausted, as long as you understand what you are going through and take the correct healthy steps in fixing them, you’ll be golden. It’s scary to say but we only experience school once. You define your path throughout high school, so I suggest you make it the best path for yourself. I hate growing up but I’m not going to mope around and sulk about growing up, no, I’m going to embrace the moment as it is and have the time of my life. You’re only young once, so do the most you can to live it as you want.