Raiders, do you get enough sleep? The CDC recommends that we get 8 to 10 hours of sleep. However, according to my interviews, 70% of LHS students said that they didn’t, mostly because of phone usage, homework and extracurriculars. In addition, the National Sleep Foundation took a study this year and determined that 8 in 10 teens all over the nation don’t get enough sleep which leads to depressive symptoms. Here are some tips on how to get that needed sleep.
- Keep your bedroom at a cool temperature.
When we try to go to sleep, our bodies lower in temperature in order to initiate sleep. They also continue to cool off as we sleep. By sleeping in a cooler environment we start this process sooner, therefore helping our bodies to fall asleep faster, and go into a deeper sleep.
- Turn your phone off 30 minutes before sleeping
This is an important tip, as many LHS students say their sleep is badly affected because they use their phone late at night. Putting away your phone before bed is recommended by many experts, including the National Sleep Foundation. The blue light from your phone screen limits the body’s production of melatonin, making it harder for you to go to bed and wake up the next day. It can also make you more alert/trick your brain into thinking it’s time to stay awake. Keep your phone away and charge it in a different room so you aren’t tempted to go on it and you aren’t distracted by the notifications.
- Limit naps during the daytime
Napping can interfere with your sleep schedule, making you fall asleep later and therefore less sleep and feel less well rested. Try to limit them to no more than one hour and avoid napping late in the day, close to your bedtime.
- Get homework done early
Many of our polled LHS students also said that they went to bed later because they had a lot of homework to do. When you get home try to start your homework right away. If you need time to rest, which is understandable, try to set a timer for a certain amount of time, and start on your homework soon after. It also helps to put your phone away and out of view so that you can focus better. Getting your homework done sooner will help you to go to bed earlier and get your much needed sleep.