A certain type of excitement is noticeable this season in the bustling hallways of LHS. Campaign posters highlight the walls, slogans echo through the hallways, everyone watches campaign videos, and students buzz with discussions about the upcoming class elections. This annual event is more than just a tradition- it’s a vibrant expression of democracy, leadership, and community spirit. Each hopeful contender brings unique ideas and promises. They all want to earn that elite spot of rather president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, or historian.
Every year in the faithful month of May, students gather to campaign themselves in order to be elected. They have to fill out forums that their class sponsor sends out to firstly begin the campaign process. From there, their names will be added to the ballot. The person running can choose if they want to put up posters, make videos, etc. When the end of the campaigning season comes around, students are sent an email with a Google forum in order to vote. These ballots only have their own class officers on them- students can not vote for other grades. From there, the votes are counted, and our new officers are elected! They are announced over the loudspeakers as soon as possible.
When the officers are in office, each title has its own specific role. Here’s a breakdown of what each officer does while on the board:
The President oversees all class activities, prepares agendas, leads meetings, assigns tasks, and represents the class. They collaborate with the Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and advisors to enhance class meetings. Additionally, they deliver an inspirational speech at graduation.
The Vice President steps in for the President when they are absent and carries out tasks assigned by the President. They are responsible for organizing spirit activities and overseeing the decoration of class events.
The Secretary records meeting minutes, manages correspondence and attendance records, maintains the class activity calendar, updates class news and social media, and handles all sign-up sheets.
The Treasurer establishes the budget, records all financial transactions, provides status reports at class meetings, organizes fundraisers, manages fundraising inventory, and oversees fundraising activities.
The Class Historian documents and preserves the history of the class by maintaining records of significant events and activities. They compile photos, videos, and written accounts, and may create scrapbooks or digital archives. They ensure that memorable moments and achievements are recorded for future reference and nostalgia.
Together, all of these roles work together during the school year. At the beginning of the year, they are responsible for planning and decorating their homecoming hallway. They hype up the students as well during homecoming week- showing their respective classes their chants, and how they plan to win the spirit stick! Throughout the year they support their own grades, with such events as the Sophomores running the talent show, the Juniors running prom, and various smaller events like apparel sales, fundraisers, and planning for the next year.
Now that we know what the class officers really do, let’s take a look at who’s running for each grade!
Mike Bittle
Addison Bradford
Jillian Darden
Deeya Shah
Isabella Derasavi
Abby Lovelace
Evangeline Rodriguez
Ryan Linz
Vanessa Li
Alexandria Rodriguez
Abigail Sparks
Mahi Shah
Ethan Cosgrove
Emily Gale
Evan Gonzalez
Lily-Belle McDowell
Ronnel Avillanoza
Mia Cassetta
Jack Bateman
Samuel Erwin
Wyatt Bean
But why should you care? What’s so special about class elections, and voting in general? Well, class elections are a cornerstone of student governance- offering a microcosm of the democratic process. They teach valuable lessons in leadership, public speaking, and responsibility for the candidates. As for the voters, they show how your vote counts and allow you to choose who you want to represent you, just like in the real world. For more information, I interviewed Mrs. Harding, an expert in all things government.
Mrs. Harding says that, as a whole, voting is essential to citizens in the United States. We are lucky to live in a world where our vote actually matters- and can change policy. We have a representative democracy, and people can vote on the things the government does/doesn’t do. However, she emphasized the importance of being an educated voter- which brought me to my next question for her- what does being an educated voter look like? Well, according to Mrs. Harding, being an educated voter doesn’t just mean knowing what party you want to vote for. It means knowing about the candidates- knowing what you’re voting for.
My last question for Mrs. Harding really tied it all together. I asked her, How are class elections a good example of democracy in the real world? She replied with a detailed response, saying that, overall, it teaches students to pay attention, and advocates for them to run! More specifically, this year LHS is doing a better job of implementing the bylaws relating to campaigning- making students complete leadership forums and having to be transparent, just like in the real world. The ads aired on LTV are also important because that is what you see for the actual elections; citizens are bombarded with advertisements. It is important to be exposed to different forms of media so you can use that to further your informed exploration of candidates. Doing that in the school system helps teach these skills and shows students something they can relate to later in life.
Class elections are more than just a contest; they’re a celebration of student voice and advocacy. As we await the results, one thing is clear. Our school’s future is bright, and driven by the enthusiasm and dedication of its young leaders. No matter the outcome, the real victory lies in the engagement and empowerment of the student body.