Poverty Awareness: Countering The Effects of Poverty in Maryland

January 22, 2019
Poverty is substantially seen throughout the globe affecting millions in our own country. This issue includes basic life necessities not being met. As of 2017, 9.7% of Maryland’s population lives in poverty, that is 567,715 people. A fellow Global International Studies student Rhea Brown and I are creating a campaign to bring both awareness to the issue of poverty as well as aide those affected. Our proposed projects include a wellness walk, a walk that showcases different possible situations based on privilege and poverty, as well as a winter clothes drive, which will donate warm clothes to local homeless shelters. Each event will take place in the upcoming months, mid February and late March. Boxes around the school will collect winter items. This campaign service project is created through the Global International Studies Program to promote community values through our own county on a domestic level. While the issue of poverty is a globally scaled issue, as students in Saint Mary’s County we plan to counteract it in the main way we are able, in our own town. This project spans over the next couple of months and will continue on in the upcoming seasons.
If you have any questions about our project or want to offer yourself as a volunteer please do not hesitate to contact us via email.