The True Meaning of December

December 19, 2018
What comes to mind when you think of December? Of course, when you are little Santa, presents, and cookies but as we grow our thoughts and priorities tend to change. No matter of our personal religious beliefs, family traditions, or chosen holidays to celebrate, December should be a time to reflect.
December is the end of the year and it embodies all that one has accomplished and are hopeful for in the upcoming year. As you look back over the past year try to remember the times that brought you joy even simple moments of laughter. Think about the way you have grown as a person and things you are hoping to pursue. Focus on the positive growth and how you can pay that growth forward. I know when we are little we all loved to get presents and I am sure most of us still appreciate a good gift. The thought of getting that so called perfect gift seemed to make you feel complete. As we are growing up, we should remember the old saying, “it’s better to give than to receive.” December is a wonderful time for presents but to give them in any form, not just materialistic, is the true meaning of December.
I have always appreciated the different ways that all families celebrate during the month of December but no matter of those differences, we can all agree that our traditions were started by the selflessness of one person or others. So this December season, don’t focus on what you get from someone but what you can offer to others and to yourself throughout the entire year. Take a moment over your December school break and remember times you thought you could of helped and didn’t or felt you didn’t have time to make a positive impact in another person’s life and should have…what can you do now to positively make that change? December is a great time to not only think of what you could of done differently but make a plan to implement those changes starting now! Also and just as important, take time for yourself.
So what are some ideas to show the true meaning of December? Sure you can go back to the times of being little–think Santa, think cookies, think presents! But now you be Santa and be the gift giver! Remember this gift doesn’t necessarily have to be wrapped with a bow… perhaps choose from an angel tree to give to a stranger that maybe less fortunate; spend time with your loved ones baking cookies and maybe leave that anonymous sweet gift on an elderly neighbor’s step; and don’t forget you, sometimes you have to be a little selfish in order to be the best you, you can do so with some quiet time reading your favorite book, taking a relaxing bath or sitting in your pajamas and having a movie day could make for that perfect personal gift.
December is more than just a month. December is a feeling you get and a feeling you can give all year long. December is the end of a year that was full of moments both good and bad, at this time the good should be remembered and the bad appreciated for overcoming. December is a new beginning; a beginning of a year that will be prosperous, healthy and happy as both a giver and receiver. Enjoy December and remember to reflect on it’s true meaning!