Homecoming Recap
October 23, 2018
Spirit Week 2018 was quite diverse and extravagant in the eyes of a student, but also was very fun, as always! To me, Spirit Week is just a week to have fun, coordinate with your friends, express yourself, and most importantly, rep your school and show as much spirit as possible!
Monday was Character Day, and I saw costumes from childhood cartoon characters to Social Media Influencers. Character Day is probably one of my absolute favorite themed days, because you can make it however you want to make it. You can throw on a t-shirt and a headband, or go all out head-to-toe.
Tuesday was Color Day. Freshman had purple, sophomores had green, juniors had yellow, and seniors had red. I witnessed from basic as a purple shirt, to as extravagant as to a female dying all her hair green! This year, the students liked Color Day just in general. It gave us a chance to not only rep our school, but to rep our class! Wednesday was Pajama Day, and PSATS day as well (which was absolutely perfect)! Not only was Pajama Day basic and effortless, it was comfortable for PSATS, and being comfortable for that test is a definite must!
Thursday was Theme Day, which in the beginning was extremely controversial, but in-the-end it turned out to be enjoyable! Freshman had Tundra, which was kinda funny to see some of them walk down the hallways in ski gear. Sophomores were safari, which was extremely similar to the Juniors theme, jungle. A lot of participants dressed up as animals and typical safari tour guides. Finally, seniors were Under the Sea, which in my opinion, was the most entertaining! People were walking around in scuba equipment, specifically huge flippers and floats.
Last but not least, Friday was Spirit Day, the most looked-forward-to out of all days! Seniors had a blackout, and then the rest of the grades had a normal Spirit Day, themed royal-raider blue and white. I saw most participation this day, as it should be…And then that day was the pep rally and the homecoming game. The pep rally this year was definitely more disappointing in most of the students eyes, but still fun…with sophomores placing in fourth, freshman placing in third place, seniors placing second and juniors placing first, therefore winning the Spirit Stick. The homecoming game was quite spirited in-itself too! The student section was loud, as usual! Leonardtown lost 43-20.