It’s that time of year again; spring is slowly making its way to Saint Mary’s County and students start to look into which classes they would like to take the following school year. Although one’s plate may be full of core courses, such as English, history, science and math, one must keep in mind that Leonardtown High school offers a wide range of electives as well, which can highly enrich your education. For a period or two a day, you can escape from the regular, mandated classes and take something that you might enjoy. Not only can electives help you explore your interest and lighten a demanding class schedule, but colleges can learn more about you and your interests by simply looking at your transcript. Elective courses can give you samplings of various careers to consider without a work overload. Now that you know how great electives are, how would you feel if you could supposedly have a say on which electives our school offers? A vote would be rather democratic.
Over the years, I’ve heard of many electives students would love to enroll in, so I decided to conduct a survey to determine which specific courses freshmen and sophomores would be interested in taking. One never knows; after reading their input, Mrs. Montgomery could even take their answers in consideration for future academic years. I included twenty-eight possible electives in my online survey, all falling under various categories; from business-related subjects and communication to life and computer skills. Out of the fifty-four responses, the most frequent selection choice included film making, graphic design and web design, all of which were selected over twenty times. Although the Dr. James A. Forest Career and Technology Center offers a two year graphic communication and TV/ Video production program, it could be interesting to explore these fields as an elective before making a commitment for two years.
Numerous students also showed some interest in communication, public speaking as well as creative writing. Leonardtown High School does sponsor a creative writing and a debate club; but think of how much greater your understanding on the subject would be if you could take the class every day for a whole year in a lighthearted and relaxed environment. Some students even offered original suggestions for new school electives, such as criminology, neurology, genetics, photo editing, introduction to the stock market and nuclear physic. I also want to recognize a student that placed Selfie 101 as a possible course selection; I can imagine why – many out there certainly need help with their selfie game.
On a serious note, analyzing which electives you would be interested in taking and in turn providing you with the chance to do so could be advantageous and ultimately increase grade-point averages, for you would most likely enjoy the subject at hand. Allowing one to learn what they love is essential, for it leads to a pleasant learning environment and a more proactive student body.
As the new school year approaches remember to keep in mind the benefits of taking an elective in high school. Now, go on, expand your horizons, develop new interests, and maybe sign up for a year of mythology which will be taught starting next fall.