Located in the lastest shopping center with the Dick’s Sporting Goods has many pros and cons. The just out restaurant is one of the many that have been built in St. Marys County recently.
The restaurant has a modern shine and is very clean. Everything looks advanced and well kept. The person at the door said we would have a one hour wait but we only waited for half an hour. The food came quickly while we watched sports games on the many large TVs in the building and we were soon done with our dinner and had a great dessert to finish it off. A happy customer there is”nothin’ better then beer and wings”
The restaurant though had a bad start the over crowded parking lot forced us to drive over by the stores and walk to it. The waiting area was small and cramped so we waited in the cold outside. The dessert was good but the wings were a huge disappointment for a wing lover like me. If you are going to have wings as a specialty make sure they are the best thing on the menu. When the waiter asked us a question we had to repeat our answer multiple times because of the loud TVs, music and people. All of the tables were crowded into a small area and it was hard to move anywhere without bumping into people. After our visit my family and I went home and were sick for the rest of the evening.
Over all I was depressed by Buffalo Wild Wing I expected great wings and I got nothing. If you are a wing fan like me you will be disappointed in the new Buffalo Wild Wings like me. If I learned one thing on my visit to Buffalo Wild Wings it would be that just because you can have the best building doesn’t mean you have the best food.