Being new to the school is a challenge for students, but is it the same for assistant principals? Ms. Amstutz tells of her goals for this year and gives some information about her past.
What is some background information about you?
This is my first year in high school. I spent the last 14 years in middle school as a science teacher or an assistant principal. As a science teacher, I taught for ten years in Virginia and my first assistant principal position was at Margaret Brent Middle School.
How long have you worked in the school system?
This is the beginning of my fifth year in this school system.
What are your goals for this year?
My first goal is to understand and master scheduling for high school and find ways to improve the experience for students. Another one of my major goals is to not have any students that have to repeat a grade level, and to work with them to complete the credits they need.
What do you do as assistant principal?
I’m in charge of the master schedule of the building. I am the IEP chairperson, who overlooks special education programs. Also, I am responsible for evaluating some teachers in the building and, of course, performing other duties assigned by the principal.
What is an interesting fact you would like to share?
I have two little boys that are being trained very quickly to scream “Go Raiders!” I have also coached basketball and soccer in the past. I played point and guard for basketball during high school and left fallback in soccer.