Congress- Reports suggest that there have been about 100,000 casualties in Syria. But who’s counting? Assad continues to forcibly deny any accusations thrown at him and Putin undertakes a drastic decision to have the International Security Council take control of all chemical weapons. Russia believes that the Syrian regime will turn over chemical-stockpile in a week’s time. What will come next? Will they continue to use chemical weapons in the meantime?

Obama undeniably set a red line last June. But as we all know, those aren’t meant to be followed; they are simply a threat. We need proof. And proof is yet to come. Obama claimed: “Men, women, children lying in rows, killed by poison gas. Others foaming at the mouth, gasping for breath.” He claims that these images of chemical weapon use are spreading around the media, but how do we know it’s not just some mass propaganda, a way to get involved in the Middle East again? Iraq, Afghanistan, and now Syria. We are not the world police; what ever happened to containment? Let’s just keep postponing actions, pretending to be concerned and letting the civil war carry out. It’s undeniable that Congress, as a whole, will not agree to enact a military strike. Fincher, a representative from Tennessee, said “, look at the financial aspect of it-we’re going to spend billions of dollars”. Luckily with Putin’s new resolve we don’t have to make any firm actions any time soon. I mean, what’s it to us if the extremist or secularist obtain power? It’s their country. The President is finally obeying the War Powers Act; what’s with the sudden change of heart? Well, we take your offer in consideration, but I think it would be best to keep pushing the verdict back until things just settle out themselves. What’s the worst that could happen?